Monday, April 25, 2011

My Guilty Pleasure

In the past few months I have discovered a new and 'exciting' obsession with the world of FREE SAMPLES! I absolutely LOVE free samples. I just enter my name and address and BAM - 4 to 6 weeks later I get something in the mail! Even if I don't like the product, it's always exciting to go the mailbox and see a package of any size. And because I never remember anything I've requested, it's always a surprise. So to recap why I love free samples:

1 - FREE (I'm dutch, what dutch person doesn't like free??)
2 - It's FUN MAIL in your mailbox instead of just bills and credit card offers.
3 - It's always a SURPRISE :) I have to admit that free samples have also become a double edged sword in my life. I love to get them but I hate to have them. Some things I do actually use. But other things, such as a men's depends, sit in a drawer full of stuff I'll probably never use. It's a big messy drawer -and I hate messes - but I'm dutch so I feel too guilty to just throw stuff out.

And yes, my husband thinks I'm crazy too. :)