So, we are currently staying on an island...within an island. This morning Dustin left me for a few hours and I literally felt as though the land was closing in around me because I had NOWHERE to go...I was left alone with my thoughts.(Which is usually a dangerous thing)
It began with thinking about how nice it will be when we're finally settled in our house and I can make it a home :) Which requires all of our household goods...
Things that are somewhere on a ship slowly making their way to Oahu. Which makes me wonder what kind of creep crawly things have invaded my things...
Creepy crawlies that I'm sure will han
g on for the ride into my house in various shapes and sizes. Which begs the question, how am I going to kill said creatures if the D man isn't around...
Yeah, I'm talking about my husband who will likely be traveling a good part of the time and will be no where close enough to kill the bugs. Which would really suck if he were away when the baby comes...
Speaking of baby, baby currently feels like a creepy crawly thing in my tummy. Which totally reminds me of the X-Files with parasites and alien
s and stuff under people's skin...
But the best episode was the crazy circus town in Florida where this guy's dead siamese twin was still attached to him but would detach at night and kill other circus freaks. Which makes me think that maybe watching all these X-Files episodes is why I'm so deathly afraid of the dark, bugs, and being home alone....
Did I mention how great it is to be on the island ;)