First - my page isn't pretty yet, because I don't know how to do that...but I'll try soon. The only reason I'm starting now is because I have things to say, and I can't say them on facebook. S00000000...
WHY oh WHY are you posting pictures of your c-section?!? Yes, I'm talking about it being yanked out and then held up in all it's nasty placenta glory. I mean seriously,
there's enough goo on this kid to make at least a months supply of vitamins, just sayin'
Even if I weren't with child - which already weirds me out as it is - this would scare me. Com
e to think of it, maybe had you had this baby soo
ner and posted these pics it would have scared the you know what out of me and I would have never touched another boy for as long as I live -
thus, I would not be where I am now ;)

So I love love love that you basically cut Dustin out of title photo! hahahaa