Thursday, September 30, 2010

Glad we didn't wait...

Putting baby stuff together is HARD. The instructions look like they're written in english and the pictures resemble the actual product but don't let that deceive you. I'm fairly certain baby product makers want to reinforce your already hormona
l feelings of complete incompetence - "I can't even put this play yard together, how am I supposed to take care of a baby?!" Well, everything we have is now somehow assembled and I dread the day that I have to go back to the instructions to figure out how to use my new baby items :) However, I am very glad that we didn't wait to put this stuff together until I was 9mo uncomfortably preggo...see, I can be positive ;)

As I type this, I am reminded of my first day "hangin" with some fellow military spouses. Dustin dropped me off that Wednesday morning and couldn't help but laugh at all the kids, and strollers, and babies, and preggos everywhere - "See, you'll fit right in," he said encouragingly. Since that day, I've met a few nice ones...but can't help but get a sense that I don't "fit in" yet. My semi-educated guess: I'm new to military, I've only had to move once, I haven't had to suffer through adeployment, and I definitely cannot talk the talk. There are way too many acronyms!! So the point of this? As unready as I am for this baby, I'm glad we didn't wait....because then I'd NEVER fit in!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Thanks for ruining my breakfast ice cream sundae...

Did someone else really just post c-section pics?? Yep, they did. Please people, we want to see your cleaned up kid so we can properly judge how cute or ugly it is. I mean, let's get serious, newbornbabies are generally not cute (except mine, mine will be beautiful, just sayin') so is it really necessary to show just how "not cute" your kidcan be fresh out of the womb??A little common sense would be nice ladies and gents! I can assure that when I throw this pup, no such pictures will be taken...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What else can I expect??

Dear lady friends who've had a kid or two (or however many), and enjoyed being pregnant - with all due respect - you.are.crazy.

To the rest of you, who like me, do not think it's super cool to be pregnant, please share (or maybe don't) - what other super u
ncomfortable things can I expect? (and I'm not talking about labor yet...please spare me those details...I'm living in fantasy world where my birthing experience won't be completely disgusting) So far my face feels and
looks like it's falling off b/c of the lovely acne, I've been sick for pretty much the entire pregnancy, and now something called "round ligament pain"....I'm sure I'm forgetting a few, but I think this is a good starting point :)

OH...and apparently I'm signed up for a breast feeding class - that also makes me super uncomfortable!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

At least I'm still smiling...

Above is a perfect example of what I feel I look like everyday - and not just when I wake up :) Seriously though, if you have a mac, have you ever played with the photo booth? I laughed until I was crying last night, and it was the best therapy ever on earth. I'm perfectly aware that these picture are generally only funny to the people taking them - like a funny story you can't tell because "you'd have to be there" But if you need some cheap therapy, take some goofy pictures!

Thank you Dustin, for being dumb with me...I love you!

this is a NEED, i NEED this

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What I've learned since becoming a housewife...

Now I can wake up every morning knowing I have a purpose to my day ;) With one simple change - I prefer to be called "Domestic Goddess"

Monday, September 6, 2010

Oh could I forget?!

We had another ultrasound on Thursday, Sept's official...IT'S A GIRL!!

I imagine that was what was really going on in there when the picture below was taken, because she is BEE-U-TEE-FUL!!

Summer is done?

How am I ever supposed to know what time of year it is if I'm living in a place where it's almost constantly in the 80s? Especially now that I'm not working...I can't even tell the seasons based on tourist flow/convention flow.
However, after practically being siamese twins the past 7 or so weeks, the D man is heading back to work in the morning. :( So what am I supposed to do in an empty house with no tv, no internet, no furniture, no car, no books??
I can't even sleep in - between the sun beaming through the windows and baby stomping on my bladder I'm screwed! Oh - and there's that little thing about no furniture - that means no bed. We've been air mattressing it for almost a week now - and I literally have to ROLL OVER like a giant WALRUS to get off the air mattress...which is even harder to do if Dustin is already up. His weight provides that extra air on my side to m
ore effectively roll...think of it as rolling downhill vs up hill :) Seriously - I made him get back in bed so I could get out...
Praying our things arrive this week...