To the rest of you, who like me, do not think it's super cool to be pregnant, please share (or maybe don't) - what other super u
ncomfortable things can I expect? (and I'm not talking about labor yet...please spare me those details...I'm living in fantasy world where my birthing experience won't be completely disgusting) So far my face feels and
looks like it's falling off b/c of the lovely acne, I've been sick for pretty much the entire pregnancy, and now something called "round ligament pain"....I'm sure I'm forgetting a few, but I think this is a good starting point :)
OH...and apparently I'm signed up for a breast feeding class - that also makes me super uncomfortable!!

You ready for this?
ReplyDeleteWhat the?? Who signed you up for a breast feeding class? The local La Leche group?! I'm assuming they will tell you all about how to soothe your cracked, bleeding nipples. So much to look forward to.
Have your boobs starting to leak yet? Oh yeah, that happens WHILE you are preggers. Watery, white stuff comes out. I had to wear breast feeding pads at the end of both pregnancies. It was really awesome.
The only other thing I remember towards the end of my pregnancies is that you are hungry. All the time. What do you do when you're hungry? You eat. But since the baby is in the way of your stomach, you can't eat enough to feel full otherwise you will physically get sick. It's a win/win situation.
Luckily, you will forget about being pregnant as soon as the little girl is born. I promise!!