Somehow we've already made it to 30 weeks. Where does the time go? I can tell you where it isn't being spent - the million and one "projects" I want to do. What happened to my motivation?
Perhaps the monster baby formerly known as "Peanut" has stolen it. She now answers to "Godzirra" and she throws crazy rave parties in my tummy at around 11am and spends the rest of her day chillin' out in my ribs and causing me the worst acid indigestion EVER. I'm fairly positive that she's also using up all of my creativity plotting her arrival into this world - she's going to be a drama queen just like her mama.
Anyways, I'll leave you all with this - I've decided that wearing a bikini is easier than one of my maternity suits. So when Dustin and I went out boogie boarding last weekend, my belly was out for the world to "enjoy" :) I don't care what people think...

Hahahaha!! Seriously though, that last month, look out. Your hormones will take over. I cried almost everyday because my baseboards were dirty. I know, nuts.