Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Mom pants...
Fast forward a week, I'm in the dressing room at Target. I try on pants, they're comfy, I think they look good...and I'm sure no one will even know that they are little higher waisted than I at normally wear because I generally wear shirts that cover the waist. I was feeling pretty good about my Target find when I see the "Fit Chart" on the wall 1-6 with pictures and descriptions.
If you want to know what they are all go here. The pants in my hand were Fit1 - which was clearly the dreaded "mom pants" UGGHHH!!! They weren't even a 3! How did this happen!?!
I bought them.

Monday, April 25, 2011
My Guilty Pleasure
In the past few months I have discovered a new and 'exciting' obsession with the world of FREE SAMPLES! I absolutely LOVE free samples. I just enter my name and address and BAM - 4 to 6 weeks later I get something in the mail! Even if I don't like the product, it's always exciting to go the mailbox and see a package of any size. And because I never remember anything I've requested, it's always a surprise. So to recap why I love free samples:
1 - FREE (I'm dutch, what dutch person doesn't like free??)
2 - It's FUN MAIL in your mailbox instead of just bills and credit card offers.
3 - It's always a SURPRISE :) I have to admit that free samples have also become a double edged sword in my life. I love to get them but I hate to have them. Some things I do actually use. But other things, such as a men's depends, sit in a drawer full of stuff I'll probably never use. It's a big messy drawer -and I hate messes - but I'm dutch so I feel too guilty to just throw stuff out.
And yes, my husband thinks I'm crazy too. :)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
kitchen therapy
Who would have ever thought that those two words would go together in my world?? NOT ME!! But I've been finding great joy and inspiration in my kitchen...and as said, therapy. I have this creative itch that I can never quite scratch. I blame my childhood OCD playing with Barbies, legos, play dough or anything really. Let me explain - everything had to be set up JUST right before I could enjoy playing with them. So now, if whichever craft I want to try is not organized and set up perfectly, I don't want to do it. And that takes time! I remember many times spending what seemed like hours setting up all my barbie stuff...and by the time is was perfect I was so sick of them I didn't want to play anymore. And so it goes with my scrapbooks, paintings, jewelry, etc etc etc.
So what makes the kitchen different?? Well, the kitchen does have to be perfectly clean before I'll start cooking and/or baking. I was like that as a kid too when baking cookies. But I usually keep the kitchen fairly clean so it's not big deal. Ok - so now that I've gotten this far I don't know how the kitchen has been therapy to me?!
So ANYWAYS - all I know is that I have tried more new things in one week than I have in a year in the kitchen. And everything has turned out!! It's such a sense of accomplishment and so much fun (for now anyways). On the list - homemade whole wheat bread, waikiki meatballs, hummus, pita chips, some pork dish, and dustin made a treat from Guyana and vietnamese's been a lot of fun :)
Claire has loved watching mommy and daddy in the kitchen too. Tonight she enjoyed family sing/dance party in the kitchen too :) Love my family!! We are blessed :)
Thursday, March 24, 2011
My little talker :)
Someone woke up from her morning nap all sorts of happy and hungry!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Moose and me...
So my dear friend Kate used to share her frustrations with me about her dogs. I understood. After all, she has a dalmation, a bull terrier, and to kids - umm, no thanks! That's a lot of work!! To be fair, she also felt bad that she was't able to five the dogs the love and attention she once did. Maybe a love/hate relationship?? That being said, I just knew that I could NEVER feel that way about my dear pup Moose. He was my best friend and compan
ion during some lonely days in Vegas...not to mention that he's too stinkin' cute and only 7 pounds! Leaving him on the mainland for 3 months when we moved to Hawaii was heartbreaking :( So why now do I feel less than 100% love for my Moose?? What changed? I find myself asking - is it me or is it the dog?
Well a lot changes when you have a baby, I mean A LOT! I never cared for cleaning up after him, but now I really despise using what little energy I have left after Claire on Moos
For example...
- Muddy paws running around my house (the owner thought it would be awesome to carpet the entire place with creamy white carpet) This requires cleaning the carpet and the dog. And a dog bath means a dog blow out b/c he gets really matted if I don't blow dry his hair. This is all VERY time consuming!!
- I love LOVE love to vacuum...but I absolutely HATE when my freshly vacuumed floor is littered with such things as stuffing from a moose dog toy, crumbs for moose dog food, or sticks and leaves and other nature things that hitched a ride on Moose during our walks.
- Dirty paws that I don't realize are dirty but they are and he sits on my nice new duvet and licks at his paws...dirt and dog drool combine to make muddy mess on my bed and dirt. Did you know that they use this dirt to stain shirts?? Check it out at
So I bitch and moan and complain and shoot him the dirtiest of dirty looks. And I wonder why my dog is suddenly acting up and being such a pain in my butt. In my head I've turned Moose into a villain. I've convinced myself that Moose is trying to make
everything my life difficult.
But if I'm really honest with myself and everyone else Moose is no different than he's ever been - he hasn't really changed at all.
But in my defense - he is a stubborn little shit! And Moose is too smart for my own good. Tell me Moose, why is running with me so hard that you have to sit and rest in the shade? I seriously had to let King Moose ride on the stroller so that I could finish my run. (see picture below) Why is it so difficult to run/walk on the same side of the walkway as me so that we aren't tripping everyone else with your leash? Why do you think it's ok to take off running down the beach the opposite direction in which we are walking? I know you are capable of behaving - I see it when we're out running and walking with Daddy (with the exception of the beach).
Point of this post? I'm venting. I love my dog, I promise. He is just driving me absolutely CRAZY and I never thought that I would feel so much disdain for Moose. Just trying to come back to this place with him...
So Moose - if you're listening - Mommy always loves you, she just doesn't like you sometimes ;)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
so, how's your day going?
not even 11am yet and I'm ready for bed! Bright and early, while nursing the babe, Moose came in from the great outdoors and jumped on my lap...full of red dirt, sticks, and leaves. So I tried to stay patient with fussy miss claire while also trying to keep the dog from spreading his mess further before shoving him into the tub. Dog clean, baby asleep - time to vacuum up quick so I can fold the laundry and then I can relax with coffee and breakfast. But wait, why is the kitchen floor all wet? The freezer door wasn't closed all the way and all freezer contents are now thawed out and some things are seeping from their containers making a nice sticky mess! Really??
OK, clean dog, clean floors, clean freezer, clothes on floor ready to fold, and.... screaming baby.
So I get the babe and start to nurse when blow out of all blow outs happens AGAIN leaving both me and baby a mess - gross! So I strip down to my undies and get baby stripped down and she's in her tub but the soap isn't coming out of the bottle because it's brand new and I haven't taken the protective seal off. What better way to take a protective seal off a bottle of baby shampoo than with your teeth?? Let's just say that the words I said were ok because I already had soap in my mouth :(
Now I'm sitting here with my cold coffee watching kathy lee and hoda telling us what not to say to a stay at home mom...
Saturday, February 26, 2011
No Shame
There is nothing grosser than being in a public restroom and hearing the old lady next to you grunting away...and sighing in relief.
You are welcome ;)

Thursday, February 24, 2011
What's going on??
My little chunker butt just had her 2 month check up and she's an average length at 23in and in the 90th percentile of weight at 12lbs 7oz. CHUNKER BUTT!! I realized she was getting "heavy" when I was giving her a bath. I was finding rolls inside of rolls...and gunk in the rolls. How nasty is that? GUNKY ROLLS!! My first thought was " I'm a bad mom!" My second thought was, "how in the world is this non mobile child getting so much gunk in her rolls (and between her toes and fingers)?" Seriously, she eats, sleeps, and poops. Not only is there gunk in her rolls, but eww dirty fingernails! Do you have a secret walking life in the middle of the night where you go outside to dig holes in the yard child?
Monday, February 21, 2011
Top 5 reasons that I know I'm going crazy
1. I keep trying to "like" my e-mails
2. I have to stop myself from feeding my daughter my last bite of food like she's the dog
3. My to-do list has 6 things on it, 3 of them are repeats...
4. I have to stop myself from scratching behind my daughter's ears like she's the dog.
5. I keep telling my daughter to "stay" like she's the dog
Thursday, February 10, 2011
She'll love me for this one day...
Mommy's little popper :)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Time flies when you're having fun :)
I thought I would have plenty of time to blog when baby came. In reality, I do! I just don't want to :) I'm going to try harder though because so much happens and changes everyday!
Dustin and I have been blessed with a nearly perfect baby!
Let me pause for the proverbial knock on wood "knock, knock, knock" before sharing just how great Miss C is. She is a healthy, strong, smart, happy baby girl. When I was pregnant I remember telling my bible study ladies (after one of their babe's had just majorly spit up) that my baby wasn't going to be a spitter - they laughed - but I have a baby that prefers to not smell like sour milk so she keeps her meals down :)
Everyone told me to treasure each moment because they grow up so fast. I believed them but I truly had no idea just how fast it would be when it was turn to be mommy watching my little one grow everyday.
Yesterday was 7 weeks since Claire entered this world. She
is smiling more and more everyday. I don't think it's humanly possible to see a baby smile a
nd not smile in return :) That little smile, with one squinty eye melts my heart overtime!
Over the past few weeks Claire enjoyed meeting and spending time with her Grandpa and Grandma Ridder. They were surprised by how small she was...and how much she grew int he short time they were here. Grandma just left last night and we miss her already.
Daddy took a trip to D.C. and is currently halfway thro
ugh his month long trip to SE Asia. He's currently somewhere in Thailand and then he's off to Lao and Cambodia. We are missing him like crazy!
Well - the little one is stirring so I'm going to say goodb
ye now so I can quick post some of her newborn pictures to go with this entry before Miss C fully awakes :)

Stay tuned - I'll share more soon - I promise!!
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