Thursday, September 30, 2010

Glad we didn't wait...

Putting baby stuff together is HARD. The instructions look like they're written in english and the pictures resemble the actual product but don't let that deceive you. I'm fairly certain baby product makers want to reinforce your already hormona
l feelings of complete incompetence - "I can't even put this play yard together, how am I supposed to take care of a baby?!" Well, everything we have is now somehow assembled and I dread the day that I have to go back to the instructions to figure out how to use my new baby items :) However, I am very glad that we didn't wait to put this stuff together until I was 9mo uncomfortably preggo...see, I can be positive ;)

As I type this, I am reminded of my first day "hangin" with some fellow military spouses. Dustin dropped me off that Wednesday morning and couldn't help but laugh at all the kids, and strollers, and babies, and preggos everywhere - "See, you'll fit right in," he said encouragingly. Since that day, I've met a few nice ones...but can't help but get a sense that I don't "fit in" yet. My semi-educated guess: I'm new to military, I've only had to move once, I haven't had to suffer through adeployment, and I definitely cannot talk the talk. There are way too many acronyms!! So the point of this? As unready as I am for this baby, I'm glad we didn't wait....because then I'd NEVER fit in!!

1 comment:

  1. everyone, I repeat EVERYONE feels this way when they are pregnant with their first. I promise. I had been around babies and worked at a few daycares all my life and I was still scared out of my mind at the thought of actually being a mother. I freaked out when I held a newborn three weeks before Ellie was born. I kept telling myself, 'I have to feed this baby all the time. Am I going to WANT to do this?? Am I going to be tired or bored or....??' Then I freaked out the night before I was induced with those same feelings along with a few thousand more and had a panic attack. I think I slept a total of 30mins that night because I was actually sick to my stomach with fear.

    When I actually had Ellie, it was weird. I didn't think about what I had to do or if I was doing anything right, I just did it. You do what you can do get through the day, hour, minute. I promise. You are going to be fine. No, you are going to be great.

    ps. tell those other military wives to suck it. it's bad enough to be somewhere new and don't know anyone but then to have to deal with military politics? biatches.
